Has the church lost its salt

From the Desk of the President Bishop Garland Hunt – September 2024


Did you know that approximately 1.2 million people walk away from the church every year—and that was before the pandemic? According to Lifeway Research, the number accelerated due to widespread church lockdowns and many churches are still recovering. Now that the pandemic is in the rear-view mirror, churches are seeing some past members return and new guests arrive.


When I think about the edifying efforts underway in many churches, I am disappointed that so many have chosen Bedside Baptist over the assembling of God’s people for hearing the word of God, church service, corporate prayer, fellowship, praise and worship, The Lord’s Supper, baptism, college, high school and children’s ministry initiatives, laying hands on the sick and so many other countless opportunities for kingdom building.


Frankly, there has been a significant decline in church attendance overall since the turn of the 21st century, according to numerous studies, including Gallup—with approximately 41% of Americans in church service monthly. However, the percentage is slightly higher among blacks at 46%. When you look across the landscape of church attendance, it seems that Blacks are the most churched people across all demographics. This should be good news. However, it’s not because the numbers are still shaky, and the effectiveness seems to be at an all-time low as well. Has the church lost its salt?


If black church attendance is higher than in other demographics, why then is fatherlessness at an all-time high across all demographics? Why has abortion in the black community reached epidemic proportions? Why is marriage optional to have children? Why are so many social ills captivating the black community?


I’d like to offer a few thoughts and hope:


  1. There is significant compromise in the pulpit—which is an indictment against the church.  A biblical worldview must be the standard or we will perish as a people. If your church doesn’t have a biblical worldview, that is if they are peddling untruths that don’t align with God’s word, flee. Find a bible-based, spirit-filled church that honors God’s word above all.


  1. While there are plenty of pastors who preach God’s word in season and out of season, we need many more pastors to stand against the devastating trends we are seeing that dangerously impact black families and beyond including abortion, fatherlessness, transgenderism, promiscuity, a departure from chastity, modesty and traditional values. Silence is deadly.


  1. While offering livestream services was very helpful during the pandemic, we are well past that difficult season. We are called to forsake not the assembling of ourselves (Hebrews 10:25). The Lord wants us to fellowship one-to-another so we can do meaningful work for the kingdom—work we can’t do sitting at home. I pray that if you’re still livestreaming, you will see this message as a clarion call to re-engage with your church. Your church, family and community are all counting on you to serve others, fellowship with other believers and go out into the world and preach the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20).


  1. Thankfully, in communities across the country, we are working closely with pastors and church leaders who want to see marriages flourish, fathers engaged with their families, a resurgence in valuing life and discipleship that is changing lives. We are deeply encouraged by these efforts.

Despite significant challenges, I have confidence, faith and hope that together we can make a lasting difference in communities across the country—but, we must do it God’s way—with a biblical perspective. At the Douglass Leadership Institute, we invest our resources into Strengthening the Black family, protecting the unborn, uplifting education, economic empowerment and faith-based criminal justice reform—all from a biblical worldview perspective. We can’t do this hard work without you!


Please join the Douglass Leadership Institute as we pray for the state of the church, this nation and our communities across the country. Thank you so much for all you’ve done to help us to do this work.  For more information and to give, go to our website at www.dlinstitute.org


“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18.


Fighting for the Church,

Bishop Garland Hunt

President, Douglass Leadership Institute 

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