From the Desk of the President Bishop Garland Hunt – November 2024
Did you know that according to George Barna at Arizona Christian University, as many as 41 million born-again Christians plan to sit out this election? That is beyond troublesome because Christians have a sacred opportunity to influence the presidential race as well as local and state races that could mean the difference between freedom and socialism. When Christians sit at home, we are saying that our voices don’t matter—and, our biblical worldview doesn’t count—which is untrue.
Many Christians have been told God’s people need to stay out of politics. Or, there is a separation of church and state—which is not in the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The Founding Fathers knew our rights came from God, not from government—and it’s impossible to separate government from God. Would God establish government and then tell His people to stay out of it? He says in his word, “The authorities that exist are appointed by God,” Romans 13:1.
God created government and so He wants His people involved in shaping government. This confusion is an indictment on the church—as pastors should be a beacon of light, pointing Christ followers to God’s viewpoint about Religious Liberty, Fiscal Responsibility, Marriage, Free Speech, Sanctity of Human Life, Education, Border Security, Family and Parental Rights and beyond.
Frankly, Christ followers—your voices matter now more than ever as we all are living with the dire consequences of godless leadership. If you are like me, fiscal responsibility is vitally important to the future of this nation, a secure border makes us all feel safer and, one of the most pressing issues of our time is the sanctity of human life. Can you believe this nation has been in a dialogue about when life begins, a woman’s right to terminate the life of her unborn child and late-term abortions? And, that life is on the ballot in that at least 10 states—but cloaked in death? Frankly, we are living in a time when the most dangerous place for a baby is in the womb. Unfortunately, most Christians support the killing of innocent life. So, you see, our voices matter, especially when we exercise our right to vote with a biblical worldview as the standard.
By voting, we are not just selecting candidates, we are determining the direction of this country. The only way we can course correct is through the living, powerful, inerrant word of God. Every vote matters—as we need now, more than ever, to hold those who govern accountable. If you want the United States of America to remain a place where we exercise life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, go out and make your voice heard—from a biblical perspective. Together, as Christ followers, we can help transform this nation in a way that honors God.
Let us pray for this nation right now: Heavenly Father, the giver of life, grant us wisdom as we seek to place those in authority over us who honor you. Thank you for the grace and mercy you have generously extended to us. We pray right now Lord that the United States of America seizes the opportunity to return to you—before it is too late. Please send your Spirit to touch the hearts of those who lead our nation. May the trials and tribulations we have experienced draw us closer to you—so that we can be the nation you have called us to be. Thank you for the reminder that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
“We must obey God rather than any human authority.” Acts 5:29
“We are fighting for unity; unity of idea; unity of sentiment, unity of object, unity of institutions, in which there shall be no North, no South, no East, no West, no black, no white, but solidarity of the nation.” Frederick Douglass
Fighting for the soul of this nation,
Bishop Garland Hunt
President, Douglass Leadership Institute
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