We did it! Last week, we successfully gathered over 400 ministry leaders in Washington DC as part of Family Research Council’s National Pastors’ Briefing. Challenged and equipped to better serve their congregations and transform their communities, these men and women of God are poised to help change the culture.
The Douglass Leadership Institute helped make the FRC event a huge success, gathering over 50 African American ministry leaders including Dr. Tony Evans, Bishop Wellington Boone, Bishop Larry Jackson and Pastor Glenn Plummer. For these pastors the message was clear: The principles of Righteousness and Justice will transform our culture when the Church unites.
Participants from North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, and Georgia toured the nation’s Capitol, met with elected officials, prayed together, and pledged to pray, preach and partner to make a difference in their neighborhoods.
“This is a movement to take back our communities to the glory of God.”
~Pastor Joseph Green“DLI and Dean Nelson have an anointing to bring diverse groups together in a spirit of unity to get things done. The conference was powerful!”
~Bishop Gilbert Coleman.
or the last two years DLI has partnered with FRC’s Watchmen Pastors’ Network to train and equip ministry leaders to preach biblical values and transform the culture. We are building momentum throughout the country and your help is needed to advance our mission.
Over the next five months, DLI will host two-day empowerment trainings at state capitals across the country. This Kingdom Citizenship Campaign will equip more ministry and grassroots leaders to develop a strong biblical worldview, receive training in grassroots organizing, understand political, economic and social issues impacting our nation, learn how to engage state government leaders, and unite in prayer.
Designed to empower 50 faith-based leaders to become more effective advocates for a Biblical worldview in their state and communities, each Kingdom Citizenship Campaign event requires an investment of $15,975 from DLI and its partners. That’s only $360 per leader!!
Your contribution will lay the foundation for strategic Biblically-based ambassadors in North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania that will advocate for policies that strengthen the traditional family, support criminal justice reform, and secure economic and educational opportunities. And, this is just the beginning!! DLI’s goal is to train and certify a national army of biblically based leaders who will stand for the principles of righteousness, justice, liberty and virtue. CLICK HERE TO GIVE.
Your contributions are tax-deductible and will help us to continue our mission to educate, equip and empower faith-based leaders to embrace and apply biblical principles to life and in the marketplace.
Living for Him,
Rev. Dean Nelson
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